The Idea Behind the Name Dev’s “Detours”

Can you believe it took me almost three freaking years to create the name Dev’s Detours?

I started getting deep into travel blogs during college. The Blonde Abroad was the first to catch my eye & is still the first I utilize to research any trip. After her, came a lot of other influencers sparking my interest, always with a witty name starting with “the”. So for a while I tried making myself a “THE”… who did I think I was?  No clue, but eventually I gave it a rest & stopped the “THE” planning. Next, I began trying to incorporate my name into it…

The word detour is defined as “a long or roundabout route that is taken to avoid something or to visit somewhere along the way.” I’m a person who doesn’t ever like to settle, maybe to a fault even. I don’t have a final destination, not in my travels, my career, or even life… I’m unsure if I ever will. There is always another route to pursue. I want to see & do as much as possible.

USWNT player Carli Lloyd recently said in an interview about her soccer career, “I don’t want to be satisfied ever. That may sound grim, but it isn’t at all. It is joyful, because the pursuit of progress is joyful.”   

As long as I am on this earth I don’t plan to ever make it to a final destination. There will always be somewhere new to explore, something new to learn, & a new goal to achieve. So let me highlight my amazing stops along the way – My Detours.